This page incudes a list of most of the available projects and services on this website. Click any link to continue. You can also use this link to find more. And, visit the shop for more. Services I will do these sessions for you. Financial Abundance Energy Healing Sessions Pain Energy Healing Sessions Bacteria, Virus, […]
Category: Articles
This article will help you to understand more about how to use the sessions to create new beliefs. You will learn which Rapid Psychological Reprogramming Session to use for any affirmation or intention you’ve chosen to create your new belief. See how easy creating new beliefs and changing your personality can be. Here are some […]
This is a testimonial I’ve received from a very nice lady I’ve been working with for quite a while now. She gets extremely stressed because of her current life situation. She is being bullied by the people in her small town, in the church, by her landlord and neighbors, by social workers who don’t do […]
Here are a list of questions that are asked frequently about the Manifestation Paper Radionics Machine and how it works, how to set it up correctly, etc. The Manifestation Paper Radionics Machine works by 90-95% energy ball and programming and 5-10% faith/belief. Someone who is not open minded and blocks any success they could have […]
“How much will my eyesight improve in 1 month?” People email me this question fairly often so I decided to write a quick article explaining the process you will need to take to potentially improve your vision to 20/20 vision and how long it might take. View Detailed information about The Vision Improvement Sessions. How […]
I’ve created an update to the Manifestation Paper Radionics Machine that will help to boost the power of your manifestations. When you purchase you will receive instructions on how to make your machine stronger. By placing this new item I’ve named The Booster Symbol on your machine it can be strengthened. For each Booster Symbol […]
Recently, I was thinking about all the cool things my ‘Heal Yourself’ Method can do and I received a message from someone which prompted me to write some things down in a message to him. I thought it would make a good post so I included the message below… My ‘Heal Yourself’ Pain Relief Method […]
Hello Everyone. I’m thinking of offering all of my automatic sessions and projects for a low monthly fee, maybe $75, if I can get enough people to sign up. That includes the following: The Manifestation Paper Radionics Machine (with and without Talisman Seals) The Paper Radioncs Machine for Healing Infusion 4.0 Cards Vision Improvement Sessions […]
If you are looking to have more success in business with the help of the Manifestation Paper Radionics Machine there are some things you will need to know that will help you to grow your business. This article will help you to understand some basic information about manifesting business success. I get questions about business […]
Here are just some of the testimonials I’ve received from users of my services. I will continue updating this page with more as I receive them. I have a bunch that I haven’t posted yet and I hope to get to it soon. You can also find more testimonials in each service’s post. The Rapid […]