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Reiki Physical Energy Healing Sessions
Chakra Reiki Manifestation Sessions
The Rapid Psychological Reprogramming Sessions
Manifestation Paper Radionics Machine
Automatic Mental-Emotional Energy Healing Sessions
Financial Abundance Energy Healing Sessions
Improve Your Eyesight The Automatic Way with Vision Improvement Sessions
Key of Solomon Seals for Manifestation
Infusion 4.0 Energy Cards
Bacteria, Virus, and Fungal Infection Energy Healing Service
The Paper Radionics Machine
Pain Healing Service
Login Issues Fixed
There was an issue with the website where users couldn’t login or complete purchases and the problem has now been fixed. I will be making some updates soon so if you receive an error or cannot login please contact me to make me aware of it. Thanks!
Nutrient Session Moved
If you want to signup for the free session you can now find it here. Also, if you signed up for an account within the last 2 days you will need to register again because of some issues I was having with the site. Those issues should now be fixed.
New Update
Finally, the new sessions I’ve been working on are done and ready for use. The Automatic Mental-Emotional Energy Healing Sessions, Chakra Reiki Manifestation Sessions and The Reiki Physical Energy Healing Sessions are working amazingly and with great results.
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Reiki Physical Energy Healing Sessions
Chakra Reiki Meditations
Chakra Reiki Manifestation Sessions
Metaphysical Automatic Energy Sessions
The Rapid Psychological Reprogramming Sessions
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Metaphysical Automatic Energy Sessions
The Mental, Emotional, Body and Mind Automatic Energy Healing Sessions available on this website has similar effects of subliminal audios, binaural beats, energy body work and hypnosis but without using audio. No meditation is needed either.
The sessions were created using energy thought forms.
To use the automatic sessions you just click a Start button on the page and the session will begin doing something to your body and/or mind. For example, the Vision Improvement Sessions will begin strengthening the eye muscles and making your vision clearer. This happens automatically with no help on your part. All you need to do is sit back and relax while it happens.
In some cases, you can use these sessions while watching TV, reading, working, etc. You receive the benefit of the particular session you choose just by clicking a Start button. It really is as simple as that.
How is it possible that these sessions work to do seemingly miraculous things without the help of any special tools or machines? Please read this article I’ve written entitled, What are thought-forms, energy balls, Psionic energy…?, where you can learn more about my metaphysical work and background and how I create and use thought forms to create changes in your mind and body.
I’ve created these sessions so that you don’t have to do anything while the specific energetic thought form does the work for you. In most cases you can either relax or be moving around while the session is running. Read More…

Create change in your life by focusing on your goals. Go after them as if they are all that matter but don’t forget to enjoy the little things.
Here are some of my energy healing videos. Try it out for yourself.

Balance Your Brain Instantly w/o a Technique Video
Connect your right and left brain hemispheres just by watching this video. Just sit back, relax and let the embedded energetic healing do the work for you. Check it out while it’s still available and let me know if it worked for you.
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Hydrate Your Cells Instant Energetic Healing Video
This video is embedded with an energetic healing that will help your body absorb water more easily. Check it out while it’s still available and let me know if it worked for you.
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