There are several ways to use the Chakra Reiki Manifestation Sessions. Use these exercises and tips to help get the most out of those sessions. And remember, when I say meditation in this article, I mean a light (not too intense) contemplative state and not a deep state of trance. Basically, you will lightly think […]
Category: Articles
The Mental, Emotional, Body and Mind Automatic Energy Healing Sessions available on this website has similar effects of subliminal audios, binaural beats, energy body work and hypnosis but without using audio. No meditation is needed either. The sessions were created using energy thought forms. To use the automatic sessions you just click a Start button […]

Change Your Personality, Install New Beliefs and Achieve Your Goals The Rapid Psychological Reprogramming sessions are an energy healing method that you can use to change your personality, create and install new beliefs and achieve your goals. Meditation is not involved and there are no techniques to learn. Instead, you will simply visualize what it […]
Cat Manifestation Comic

This is a comic I made just for fun. Of course you can’t actually manifest negative stuff on purpose like this in real life. Well maybe you can but I wouldn’t recommend it. If you are thinking or wishing for something bad to happen it could happen coincidentally but maybe it was going to happen […]
Watch as these spiritual healers make cancer disappear in 3 minutes documented on video as it happens. This is the power of belief, desire and expectancy working together at once. In the side by side image above you can see the cancer before the spiritual healing starts, and on the right the cancer as it […]

Water has a memory. It can hold onto intentions and programming and it can carry out the instructions given in a similar way as a computer or a thought-form. Using my special energy healing process I’ve programmed this water with the vibration of healing energies. Wherever on the body I rub the water it transfers […]

In this article I will explain how I think programming water works based on my own personal experiments and observations. You will learn about the vibration of water, how beliefs and intentions can be programmed into water and how it has the power to affect the person who ingests it. You will also learn a […]

The Nutrient Support Supplement Session is an automatic energy session that helps the body have all the nutrients it needs. The main basic elements, including Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen, etc., are the building blocks of your body and are used by the body to sustain the body and all of its functions and systems. These […]

Learn how water has a memory and because your body is made of 70% water what this means for you and your health. Important Links:Programmed Water – My ExperimentsMelanie’s Miracle Water The Memory of Water – Experiments and Proof Water Holds Information – It Has a Memory Did you know that water has a memory […]

The Peace Project was created with the objective of helping more people to receive more peace in their lives and to help manifest more of their wishes. It will help you to resolve problems faster and attract to you better circumstances. See a longer list of possible benefits below. Find out how you can receive […]